Rob Smith has provided this months article, which analyses the best piston fighters of WWII and concludes that the Spitfire XIV was the best fighter.  After the war, former Luftwaffe General of Fighters and Me 262 pilot Adolf Galland said: “The best thing about the Spitfire XIV was that there were so few of them.”  Click here to view the article.

About the Society

The Military History Society of WA Inc. was formed in 2003 as a not-for-profit organisation. The Society is a group of professional and amateur historians and people with an interest in military history. The fundamental mission of the Society is the preservation and promotion of public awareness and interest in military history with an emphasis on the military history of Australia.

The Society meets on the third Tuesday of each month. All are welcome and attendance is free. Following a brief discussion of Society business, a guest speaker presents a talk on a military history subject. The topic of these talks cover specific military events as well as military theory from medieval times to the present day. Following the talk, supper is served. After supper, a raffle is drawn and a quiz rounds out the meeting.

Click here for details of the location and dates for monthly meetings, and the guest speakers scheduled to present.

Further information about the Society is available on this website using the navigation panel at the top of the page. Should you require additional information, or have a specific question relating to military history, please click here to contact the Society.

Notice Board

  • Monthly Meetings
    The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 15th of August.

    Please note that the meeting location has changed to the Village Day Club room on the RAAFA Memorial Estate, Bull  Creek.

    Click here for information on the guest speaker and the topic for their talk, and for meeting time and  location details.

  • WA railway employees - WWI history
    Mike Galvin has completed his work on writing the history of WA railway employees known to have enlisted and who lost their lives in the First World War. Click here to review the list of employees. To read a short biography for an employee, click on the soldier’s name (left hand column) in the list.